My Adventures in Switzerland

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The hills are alive with the sound of music in Saas Fee

Yes indeed. We arrived in the mountains yesterday and started off on the right foot. Literally. We went up one of the mountains and hiked our way down. It was so exciting. All the kids were laughing because I had a permanent smile on my face. Not like one of those creepy tranquilatrist smiles though. A nice one.

Then we just ate dinner and learned a little bit about the Swiss flag and how Switzerland represents "quality" and "stability." Beat, our Swiss German leader, told us all we ever would want to know about how great the Swiss are. You can't really blame him though for being patriotic, we all are sometimes. I don't think the kids get the Swiss sense of humor though. Although Beat speaks fluent English the jokes he makes don't always translate and sometimes might be considered offensive...but no complaints yet.

Today we went to the top of one of the many Alpes and hiked our way down and across two other Alpes before stopping for lunch. At first, it was breezy and chilly at the top. But as we hiked down, more vegetation appeared until we were smack in the forest. The wild flowers were beautiful and there were so many small streams that were flowing down the mountain sides. It really is amazing that I am here. I keep thinking to myself that I have to come back here with family or friends and show you guys how beautiful Switzerland really is.

We hiked for about 4 hours total, so my legs are tired, but not yet sore. Tonight we are going to a "mini discoteque." Judging from the people and the feel of Saas Fee it will be nothing like the discoteques in Lausanne. But, never judge until you try, so I will just have to see.


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