Les Alps

Yestday the Jura, today the alps! (tomorrow school...boooo). My host parents took me to snowshoe in the alps today! My host brother took off to snowboard almost directly upon arrival. I think I may re-try to snowboard, but only with people that I know a little better and can speak engilsh. But, it was gorgeous. Moreso than yesterday. We started out easy. We went down the mountain to a small resto that was still located on the skiing/snowboarding grounds. We ate a loooong lunch and then we decided it was time to head back. Was it as easy, hell no. Was it funnier than going down, oh yes. We climbed up the side of a mountain. People from the midwest will find that hard to believe, but literally up the steepest mountain ever. It was hard, but so much fun. My host mom thought she would die and kept repeating it every 20 metres. But, heureusement we made it up in an hour and a half. Needless to say, we worked off all the good food we ate for lunch. But, it was so beautiful! The mountains streched out for miles and were covered in snow. Everyone was all smiles. It was a good day. Also, the sun was out at the top of the mountains which was nice to feel warmth on my face. It has been rather cloudy here lately. Eek, I have to go downstairs to dinner. I will make a more thorough update later.
OMG! I'm so excited to see you! I'll have midterms the week you're here, but, whatever, you are clearly more important than tests.
Take care, lady. Talk soon.
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