My Adventures in Switzerland

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Ma vie quotidienne

I feel like I am in a real city. I bike to the bus stop in my petit village. Then take the bus to the train station in Nyon. From there I either take a train to Gèneve or I go to class in Nyon. It changes daily and all in all my tranist takes at most half an hour. It is great.

We have not started our briefings, but we have started our French classes! I think my French has gotten worse since I have been in college. ha! But, I am slowly re-learning all that I have forgotten or never learned in the first place. My prof is French, which helps and speaks lentement. Also, she corrects our accents and makes sure that we know our verb tenses forwards and backwards. I hope I can actually carry on a grammatically correct conversation when I leave here. That is goal number one. I am having more and more interactions in French. Like today, when I had to buy a cell phone. It was a little scary. But, I successfully explained that I had gotten a phone from my host family and that I did not know which phone plan to use. Whew. I also went to a bar after school (do not worry mom and dad) and asked the bar tender where my friends were. Needless to say, I am definitly making progress.

Goal number two: expanding knowledge of international affairs. I think I came to the right place to do it.

The host family still is going well, but the son is hovering outside the door so I think that is my sign to get off the computer....oh teenage boys haha.


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