My Adventures in Switzerland

Friday, May 26, 2006

More recommendations


Il Carosello
25, Bd. Georges-Favon

This is an Italian restaurant that makes very good pizzas and is affordable, even for students! Nice staff and they serve you free bruschetta as an appetizer!

Café Art's
rue des Paquis, 17

Although this is a pricy cafe, it's a place where a lot of young people hang out. The interior is very bohemian and they play excellent music. Service is a little slow, but then again it is Switzerland...


Tat-O-Titon Créperie
9, rue Chauvain

This was one of the highlights of Nice. We ordered the menu and got a three crepes!! One in a salad, a main course crepe, and a desert crepe. By the end of the meal I was all creped out, but it was sooooo good. They have a special menu for just dessert crepes so we went back and just got those. I would recommend any with icecream because the other ones aren't as good.


Alcazar Bar Restaurant
62 rue Mazarine

This was the place that I wrote about going to with Anne. It was so chic and played swank music. The club upstairs puts out their own CD's of electronic and jazz/house music. Although, I've been told my definition of house and what it actually is are different, so check it out for yourself. The drinks are overpriced, but go there and see the young, swank crowd.


Musée suisse de l'appareil photographique
Grande Place 99

For anyone even remotely interested in photography this was a great museum. My dad was in heaven walking through all the old cameras (he takes photos and works with cameras for a job). The museum itself is in two buildings connected by a walkway. Inside, they go through every decade since the invention of the first, huge, camera. They have guided tours for free in English on little headsets, which my parents liked, because they were brushing up on their French. The museum was also interactive and had a small gallery. Definitely worth every bit of the 6 francs.


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