My Adventures in Switzerland

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Annecy, FRANCE

That's right. I went to France today. It's awesome how I can get in a car and drive half an hour and be in a different country. Today, Julien, Wilhelm(sp?) and I all went to Annecy, which is a town thirty minutes outside of Genève. It was really cute and quaint. It's on a lake front and there was a little river that went through the Old Town. We walked around a little, then got some lunch. There was a little puppy with huge, begging eyes that wouldn't leave me alone while I was eating. It was difficult not to pay attention to it.

After, we walked around near the lake front. It was really beautiful even though it was overcast and cloudy. I imagine on a clear day it would be magnificent because Annecy is situated in the mountains. It kinda looked like a scene from Lord of the Rings on the lake front because on the other side of the lake began the mountains. The water there was crystal clear and COLD because it came from the Alps.

We then went to the Musée-Chateau d'Annecy. It was nice. There was an art exhibit, an aquarium, religious iconography and other random stuff there. I liked the architecture of the castle more than anything though. All the hidden doorways and windows. There was a well too. And I saw what toilets looked like back in the Middles Ages. We determined that if you were too tiny, you could have easily fallen into the toilet and been sucked into the abiss of know.

All in all it was a good day trip. Next week I'm going to Bern, Lucerne, Lugano and hopefully Sienna, Italy!!! Who's excited? That's right, I am.


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